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Wide Turns and Intersection Accidents

wide turn sign on semi truck trailer

The world of commercial trucking is a complex web of highways, intersections, and deliveries. While these massive vehicles play an important role in our economy, they also bring unique challenges and risks to our roadways. One of the moments where these challenges become evident is during wide turns at intersections. During wide turns at intersections commercial truck drivers must negotiate many challenges, including blind spots, the truck’s immense size, and intersection traffic dynamics.

In this post, we’ll look at the causes behind accidents that are caused by wide turns and intersections, the inherent risks they pose, and the legal insights that anyone impacted by such accidents should be aware of.

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    The Challenge of Wide Turns

    In commercial trucking, the act of making a wide turn at an intersection is a high-stakes maneuver that demands precision, patience, and a solid understanding of the unique challenges involved. It’s at these moments that the sheer size and weight of a commercial truck can make them especially hazardous on our roadways.

    Blind Spots and Limited Visibility

    One of the most significant challenges facing truck drivers during wide turns is the presence of substantial blind spots. Commercial trucks have sizeable blind spots on all sides, particularly on the right side and immediately behind the truck. These blind spots, often referred to as “no-zones,” can make it difficult for truck drivers to detect smaller vehicles, pedestrians, or cyclists in close proximity during a turn.

    Turning Radius and Vehicle Length

    The turning radius of a commercial truck is substantially larger than that of a typical passenger vehicle. As a result, truck drivers must initiate their turns from a wider starting point, often encroaching into adjacent lanes. This means that during a wide turn, the truck may briefly occupy multiple lanes, potentially creating hazardous situations for nearby vehicles.

    Behavior of Other Drivers

    While truck drivers face significant challenges, they also rely on the cooperation and awareness of other drivers. Passenger vehicle drivers may not always anticipate the truck’s wide turn and might attempt to pass or navigate around the truck, unaware of the risks involved. This behavior can lead to dangerous encounters at intersections.

    The Intersection Conundrum

    Intersections, where traffic from multiple directions converges, present the most critical junctures for wide turns. Truck drivers must not only negotiate the turn itself but also contend with traffic signals, pedestrians, and the presence of other vehicles. Navigating a wide turn in such an environment requires a delicate balance between assertiveness and caution.

    Navigating the Challenges

    To meet these challenges, truck drivers receive specialized training on how to execute wide turns safely. This training covers techniques for checking blind spots, maintaining proper signaling, and managing the vehicle’s speed throughout the turn. It also emphasizes the importance of patience and a vigilant eye on surrounding traffic.

    Despite the training and experience of truck drivers, wide turns remain inherently risky maneuvers. The potential for accidents looms, especially when factors like distracted driving, aggressive behaviors, or adverse weather conditions come into play.

    In the following sections, we’ll explore the common causes that contribute to wide turn accidents, providing insights into why these incidents occur. 

    Causes and Consequences of Wide Turn Accidents

    Wide turn accidents involving commercial trucks can be attributed to various factors, each contributing to the complexity and risks associated with these maneuvers. Understanding these causes is essential to grasp the full scope of the challenges faced by truck drivers and other road users. Additionally, these causes often lead to a range of severe consequences, affecting lives, property, and legal liabilities.

    Common Causes

    • Inadequate Signaling: Failure to use turn signals or improper signaling can mislead other road users and result in misinterpretations of the truck’s intentions.
    • Blind Spots: Limited visibility from a truck’s cab can lead to situations where smaller vehicles, pedestrians, or cyclists go unnoticed during wide turns.
    • Miscalculations of Turning Radius: Misjudging the truck’s turning radius can lead to lane encroachments or collisions with other vehicles.
    • Failure to Yield: Some wide turn accidents occur when passenger vehicle drivers fail to yield the right of way to a turning truck, resulting in dangerous intersections.
    • Speeding and Aggressive Behaviors: Speeding or aggressive driving behaviors by any road user can exacerbate the risks associated with wide turns.


    • Vehicle Collisions: Wide turn accidents often involve collisions between the truck and other vehicles, leading to substantial property damage.
    • Injuries and Fatalities: Occupants of vehicles involved in wide turn accidents may suffer injuries, ranging from minor to severe. Fatalities can also occur, especially in high-impact collisions.
    • Property Damage: Beyond vehicle damage, property damage can extend to infrastructure, road signs, and nearby structures.
    • Legal Liability: Determining liability in wide turn accidents can be complex and may involve truck drivers, trucking companies, and other motorists. Legal actions and financial repercussions may follow.
    • Increased Insurance Costs: For trucking companies, wide turn accidents can result in higher insurance premiums and increased operational costs.
    • Complex Legal Proceedings: Wide turn accidents can lead to protracted legal proceedings, involving multiple parties and complex liability issues.

    Understanding these causes and consequences underscores the urgency of promoting safe practices at intersections, fostering awareness among all road users, and seeking legal recourse when wide turn accidents occur. 

    Legal Aspects and Liability in Wide Turn Accidents

    In the aftermath of a wide turn accident involving a commercial truck, legal considerations come to the forefront. Determining liability, understanding the legal process, and seeking compensation for damages are crucial steps for those affected by these accidents. An experienced Alabama truck accident lawyer can help you navigate the process.

    Determining Liability

    Establishing liability in wide turn accidents often requires a thorough investigation. Various parties may share responsibility, including:

    • Truck Drivers: Truck drivers have a duty to operate their vehicles safely and adhere to traffic laws. Negligent actions, such as inadequate signaling or failure to check blind spots, can lead to their liability.
    • Trucking Companies: The trucking company employing the driver may also bear responsibility if they failed to adequately train or supervise their drivers, or if they imposed unrealistic schedules that encouraged risky behaviors.
    • Other Motorists: In some cases, passenger vehicle drivers or pedestrians may contribute to wide turn accidents by failing to yield to trucks or engaging in reckless actions.

    Legal Recourse for Victims

    Victims of wide turn accidents have several avenues for seeking compensation for their losses:

    • Insurance Claims: Victims can file insurance claims with the at-fault party’s insurer. This may involve the truck driver’s insurance, the trucking company’s insurance, or other parties involved.
    • Personal Injury Lawsuits: In cases of severe injuries or fatalities, victims or their families may pursue personal injury or wrongful death lawsuits against the responsible parties.
    • Negotiation with Insurance Companies: Experienced attorneys specializing in trucking accidents often engage in negotiations with insurance companies to secure fair settlements for their clients.
    • Legal Proceedings: When negotiations do not lead to satisfactory outcomes, legal action may proceed to court. A judge and jury will assess liability and determine appropriate damages.

    Steps to Take After a Wide Turn Accident:

    In the immediate aftermath of a wide turn accident, it is crucial to prioritize safety and take the following steps:

    • ✅   Ensure Immediate Safety: Check for injuries and ensure the safety of all individuals involved. If necessary, call for medical assistance.
    • ✅   Gather Evidence: Collect as much evidence as possible, including photographs of the accident scene, vehicle damage, and any visible injuries. Obtain contact information from witnesses.
    • ✅   Report the Accident: Notify local law enforcement and report the accident. Obtain a copy of the accident report.
    • ✅   Notify Insurance Companies: Contact your insurance company and inform them of the accident. Be cautious when speaking with the other party’s insurer, and consider seeking legal counsel before providing statements.
    • ✅   Consult an Attorney: Given the complexities of wide turn accidents and potential legal issues, consulting an attorney with expertise in trucking accidents is advisable. An attorney can guide you through the legal process, protect your rights, and advocate on your behalf.

    Understanding the legal aspects and taking appropriate steps after a wide turn accident is essential for those seeking justice and compensation. It is a complex process that often necessitates professional legal guidance to ensure the best possible outcome.

    Why Reach Out to an Attorney for a Free Case Review?

    Wide turn accidents involving commercial trucks can have far-reaching consequences, affecting the lives of those involved and presenting complex legal challenges. If you or a loved one has been impacted by a wide turn accident, seeking legal guidance can make a substantial difference in your pursuit of justice and compensation.

    By reaching out to an experienced attorney for a free case review, you gain access to invaluable resources and insights:

    • Expertise: Attorneys experienced in trucking accidents possess in-depth knowledge of the complexities surrounding wide turn accidents, liability issues, and legal proceedings.
    • Guidance: An attorney can provide you with a clear understanding of your legal rights, options, and the best course of action to take.
    • Advocacy: Legal professionals act as staunch advocates for your interests, working tirelessly to secure the compensation you deserve.
    • Peace of Mind: Knowing that a dedicated attorney is handling your case allows you to focus on your recovery and well-being.
    • Maximum Compensation: Attorneys are skilled negotiators who can strive for fair settlements with insurance companies or represent you effectively in court, ensuring that you receive just compensation for your losses.
    • Timely Action: Consulting an attorney promptly is crucial, as there are strict deadlines for legal actions following accidents. Acting swiftly protects your rights.

    Taking advantage of a free case review is a prudent step towards safeguarding your future and ensuring that those responsible are held accountable. It is a commitment to seeking justice and achieving financial well-being after the hardships caused by a wide turn accident.

    If you’ve been involved in such an accident, we encourage you to reach out for a free case review today