Top 10 Things Insurance Adjusters May Not Want You To Know About Your Car Accident Claim

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Top 10 Things Insurance Adjusters May Not Want You To Know About Your Car Accident Claim

When you’re involved in a car accident, this is likely a new experience and you may be unfamiliar with insurance claim processes and procedures. Your injuries and the mounting frustration may put you and your family in a position where it feels like you can’t even think straight. Oftentimes, accident victims are at such a loss and need help so badly they will even rely on the insurance company for advice. Insurance adjusters can use this to their advantage.  

We’ve put together this list to help you understand that insurance adjusters work for insurance companies and that their job is to protect the insurance company. Knowing that injury lawyers protect accident victims and help them collect as much money as possible from the insurance company is crucial to your case.

Top 10 Things Insurance Adjusters May Not Want You To Know About Your Car Accident Claim

✔️  Your Settlement Offer Can Be Negotiated: Adjusters often start with a low offer, expecting negotiation. You should know that you can, and often should, negotiate for a higher settlement. Additionally, you may have both property (vehicle damage) and bodily injury claims. Don’t let an insurance adjuster confuse you and make you think both of these must be settled at the same time. 

✔️  You Don’t Have to Accept the First Offer: Adjusters may pressure you to accept a quick settlement. It’s important to know that you’re entitled to consider the offer and consult a lawyer. In fact, early offers are often made in the first few weeks after your accident. Accepting one of these offers before you have finished medical treatment could be a costly mistake. You may forfeit your rights to collect more from them and even your own auto insurance carrier down the road. 

✔️  Recorded Statements Can Be Used Against You: Insurance adjusters often request recorded statements to assist them in determining liability and evaluating one’s injuries. Understand that you have the right to discuss your case with an injury attorney first, and your lawyer should be present if you give a statement. 

✔️  You’re Not Required to Provide Immediate Medical Records: Adjusters may request immediate access to your medical records. You have the right to consult an attorney before releasing them.

✔️  Delay Tactics are Common: Adjusters might delay your claim processing. Oftentimes accident victims will accept a lower settlement out of desperation or frustration.

✔️  The Adjuster’s Main Goal is to Save Money for the Insurance Company They Work For: The less they pay out to accident victims, the more money the insurance company gets to keep. 

✔️  Social Media Posts Can Affect Your Claim: Insurance companies often monitor social media. Innocent posts can be misconstrued and used to undermine your claim.

✔️  You Have a Right to a Second Opinion on Car Repairs: Adjusters may recommend certain repair shops or underestimate repair costs. You have the right to choose your repair shop and get a second opinion.

✔️  Future Medical Expenses and Lost Earnings are Part of Your Claim: Adjusters may not always disclose that you can claim future medical costs and lost earnings related to the accident.

✔️  Hiring a Lawyer Can Increase Your Settlement Amount: Insurance companies tend to pay higher settlements to claimants with injury lawyers. Adjusters know that injury lawyers understand the claims process, know what different types of injuries are worth, and know how to build the value of a case. 

The Role of an Insurance Adjuster After a Car Accident: What You Need to Know

When you’re involved in a car accident, understanding the role of an insurance adjuster after a car accident can significantly impact how you approach your claim, especially if you are considering legal representation. 

An insurance adjuster, also known as a claims adjuster, is a professional employed by an insurance company to evaluate and settle insurance claims. Their role is pivotal in the claims process, but it’s essential to recognize their primary allegiance is to their employer – the insurance company.

Key Responsibilities of an Insurance Adjuster

  • Claim Evaluation: After an accident is reported, an adjuster is assigned to the case to determine the extent of the insurance company’s liability. They assess the damage to vehicles, scrutinize the details of the accident, and evaluate any personal injury claims.
  • Gathering Evidence: Adjusters investigate the accident by collecting police reports, speaking to witnesses, and sometimes visiting the accident scene. They also review medical reports and other documentation to understand the severity of any injuries.
  • Determining Payouts: Based on their assessment, adjusters decide the amount of money that should be paid out to cover damages and injuries. This figure is often a starting point for negotiations.
  • Negotiating Settlements: Insurance adjusters negotiate with the claimant or their attorney to reach a settlement. They aim to resolve claims quickly and economically for the insurance company.

Why Understanding the Insurance Adjuster’s Role Matters

If you’re considering legal representation, it’s crucial to understand that while insurance adjusters may appear helpful and sympathetic, their ultimate goal is to limit the amount the insurance company pays. This objective can sometimes be at odds with your need for a fair settlement that adequately covers your losses and damages.

Insurance adjusters are skilled negotiators and knowledgeable about accident-related laws and regulations. They may minimize your payout by questioning the severity of injuries or establishing that that you were at fault.

The Value of Legal Representation

Having legal representation can level the playing field. An experienced car accident attorney can:

  • Interpret Insurance Policies: Lawyers can navigate through complex policy language and determine what coverage applies to your situation.
  • Handle Negotiations: Experienced in dealing with adjusters, attorneys can negotiate effectively and help you receive a fair settlement.
  • Advocate for Your Rights: Your lawyer will be dedicated to your interests and fight the insurance company when they try to undervalue your claim.
  • Provide Peace of Mind: Handling the legal aspects of a claim can be overwhelming. An attorney can manage this process, allowing you to focus on recovery.

Understanding the role of an insurance adjuster is a critical step in the claims process, especially when considering legal representation. While adjusters play a necessary role in settling claims, their primary duty is to their employer, not to accident victims. This understanding underscores the importance of having an advocate in your corner who is dedicated to protecting your rights and interests. The right Alabama car wreck attorney can provide the expertise and negotiation skills needed to secure a fair and just resolution to your car accident claim.

Ready to Take the Next Step? Contact Jay Pickering Law Firm for a Free Case Review

Dealing with the repercussions of a car accident can often feel daunting, particularly when faced with insurance adjusters and the intricacies of claims procedures. Remember, you don’t have to face this challenge alone. At Jay Pickering Law Firm, we understand the intricacies of car accident claims and are committed to advocating for your rights and interests.

Why Choose Jay Pickering Law Firm?

  • Experienced Legal Guidance: We are well-versed in the tactics used by insurance companies, and we provide legal guidance to navigate these challenges effectively.
  • Personalized Attention: We believe each case is unique and deserves personalized attention. Our approach is tailored to your specific circumstances, ensuring your needs are at the forefront.
  • No Fee Unless We Recover For You: We operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning you pay nothing unless we win or settle your case. This arrangement underscores our commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for you.
  • Strong Advocacy: As your advocates, we negotiate tirelessly on your behalf. Our goal is to help you receive the full compensation you’re entitled to for your losses and suffering.
  • Peace of Mind: With Jay Pickering Law Firm by your side, you can focus on your recovery while we handle the legal complexities of your claim.

Start Your Journey to Justice and Compensation

Don’t let the uncertainty of a car accident claim cloud your path to recovery. Contact Jay Pickering Law Firm today for a free case review. We are ready to listen to your story and provide a thorough assessment of your case. After we speak, you will be in the position to decide if you need an injury lawyer.

Take the first step towards safeguarding your rights. Reach out, and let’s discuss how we can help you with your car accident claim.

Jay Pickering, an experienced Alabama car accident lawyer.

Attorney Jay Pickering brings over 27 years of unwavering dedication to personal injury law, with a sharp focus on representing those injured in car, truck, and motorcycle accidents across Alabama. A proud alum of the University of Alabama School of Law, Jay is a member of the Alabama State Bar and the American Bar Association.